Lecher Antenna research, training and books © 2025

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The lecherantenna-antennedelecher.com website stores very limited information about our site visitors. However we do use some external services which may store data about you. We list what we store and use the external services mentioned below.
-We have a contact us form which allows you to send us a message/enquiry and a subscribe to the newsletter form if you wish to be kept up to date. The details you fill in are passed to us by email but not stored on the website. We will retain the emails sent to us this way and may use your contact details to respond to you about your enquiry.
-Mailing lists – I collect data (e.g. names, email addresses and country of residence) that is stored on a private secured offline file and might be stored on the Mailchimp service for the purpose of communication of educational material and advertising of online and in person training courses, books and related products. This data is not used for any other purpose or by any other individual or company. By completing the subscribe form on my website interested individuals are opting in to this service. Mailchimp privacy policy can be accessed here: https://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy/
Every email that is send has an unsubscribe option at the foot of the email should people wish to withdraw from this service and erase their information. This can be achieved by contacting me directly by email – annemarielecherenergy@gmail.com
I also make use of an App called Typeform that displays a chat box under the form of a survey which enables you to ask me for personalized information and to sign up for my newsletter. You can also take a “GUIDANCE SURVEY” which enables you to explore which books and /or courses best suits what you are looking for. Your answers are stored on Typeform but I remove the answers on a regular basis and stock only relevant information on a private secured offline file. Typeform’s Privacy Policy can be accessed here: https://admin.typeform.com/to/dwk6gt/
I do not ever sell information to third parties. My website contains links to other sites which are out-of my control and governed by their own privacy policies.
Latest update: 27 February 2023

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Anne-Marie Delmotte Lecher antenna Instructor, Researcher and AuthorAnne-Marie Delmotte Lecher antenna Instructor, Researcher and AuthorAnne-Marie Delmotte Lecher antenna Instructor, Researcher and AuthorAnne-Marie Delmotte Lecher antenna Instructor, Researcher and AuthorAnne-Marie Delmotte Lecher antenna Instructor, Researcher and Author