Lecher Antenna research, training and books © 2025
MEET UP with esteemed Medical Doctor that used the Lecher antenna in his practice for many years
This is yours truly, Anne-Marie Delmotte, with a retired Belgian Medical Doctor who has worked with the Lecher antenna on about 10000 patients during his career and did pioneering work as to house clearing with the Lecher antenna in collaboration with someone who did research with Dr. Hartmann (of the Hartmann grid of the earth) in Germany.
We are exchanging books in this picture. The Medical Doctor purchased both my Practical Guide and book on the energies of the Megaliths.
His book, which is in Dutch or Flemish is no longer available so I contacted him and we met up to exchange experiences which was fantastic and a real honor and privilege!
He confirms that a lot of cases are related to the homeplace or to where we sleep.
CASE - TOOTACHE - Where Bioenergetics and Geobiology intertwine
A case example from his practice and what you will be able to verify at the homeplace after taking my Geobiology flagship online course is of a "tooth-ache":
This case concerns a 30 year old man who goes to see the doctor with a pain on the left side of his face.
Previous history of this person is as follows:
-the previous year he starts to have pain on the left side of his throat. X-ray, echography and an ear-nose and throat examination do not show anything. He suddenly develops an abscess on his left wisdom tooth. He gets treated with antibiotics and the tooth is extracted after which the throat ache on his left side disappears.
-one year later the pain is back on the very same spot on his left throat. Again, the dentist, the ear-nose and throat specialist can’t find anything and the X-ray does not show anything.
Now the pain has spread to the left part of his face too and no one can help him or tell him what is going on.
So he goes to see the doctor who I met recently and who worked on about 10000 patients with the Lecher antenna who measures the geopathic stress (=zone of enhanced negative energy coming from the earth’s mantle) of the patient’s bedroom which reveal that the spot on his throat and the left part of his face are exposed to severe geopathic stress.
The patient made a speedy recovery after this.
There are many other cases like this which illustrate the importance of knowing and being able to measure the energies at the homeplace.
The Doctor has been very helpful to me and is always very prompt to answer any of my questions into developing and optimizing methods for my training courses.
My e-courses consist of short one to one videos, each addressing one subject of the course. The courses further contains spoken tutorials supported by presentations. The aim of the course is to break down the training into very simple step by step instructions and easy to perform exercises. The course is open to all types of Lecher antennae, even those without a mass.
Many of my students taking this course are Medical Doctors, physiotherapists, ... from all over the world who can easily integrate this knowledge into their practice, although the course is open to everyone as no real medical knowledge is required to what is taught.
There is a forum for each lecture where you can ask me questions and discuss with other students.
It is only a small investment, but a big step towards your health and well-being by preventing a lot of “dis”ease and the bills that can go with it.
Disclaimer: The author of the products offered on this website does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for well-being. In the event you use any of the information in the products offered on this website for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.