Lecher Antenna research, training and books © 2025


When Anne-Marie shared her thoughts on the Lecher antenna with me I immediately became interested.
I knew nothing about the Lecher antenna and found her book a gripping read. I was fascinated by her study and her research of areas of energy on the land, and the levels found at ancient sites.
She goes into detail of the many places she visited bringing them alive by her own personal interaction with them.
The book is the fruit of elaborate research with fascinating information.
Her many case studies make interesting reading along with her own poems showing a sensitive soul. It is her journey and her big adventure. During her travels she shares her experiences of people she met and places she stayed.
She never seems to have tired of registering and observing all about her. Her book is written from the heart, showing love and respect for the earth.
Anne-Marie would like to share her knowledge with everyone.


A new book exploring the valuable detection power of a LECHER ANTENNA to enable the practitioner to heal a lot of physical and emotional imbalances.
The adventures part of the title is what first caught my eye. I have been following Anne-Marie's journey on Facebook as part of her group and I am amazed at how far her journey has taken her.
The flower of life symbol on the cover really represents the essence of what she is trying to achieve a simple symbol yet so acknowledged throughout the world the first depiction known to man is at the Temple of Osiris in Abydos Egypt.
Old versus new when Anne -Marie started her journey with the Lecher Antenna she visited a lot of places that were known for their Cairns and Dolmens and she checked out their readings with great results. Anne-Marie's mother was dying and after she had a balancing of her energies with a LECHER ANTENNA she made a miraculous recovery. This made Anne-Marie determined to learn more about bio-energy and balancing.
I'm certainly intrigued about wavelengths, special energies and cosmic energy and I can't wait to see what further healing of body and mind can be achieved with a dedicated group of people all there to support one another and make this world a better place .
Love and light on your voyage of discovery Anne-Marie.


Dear Anne-Marie.
I want to let you know that I received both your books.
I already finished reading the first one. It is nicely written and I liked your poems also.
I did not know Ireland was such a magical place!


I spent the last couple of hours reading your book. It's beautiful and so readable, a perfect mix of personal experiences combined with fascinating data. The section on Knocknashee and Gillighans World brought a smile to my face. Thank you for including us in this beautiful book. Congratulations on a wonderful achievement.


This is a review of the book The Lecher Antenna Adventures and Research in Geobiology and Bio-Energy by Anne-Marie Delmotte.
This is a book packed full of information on the Lecher Antenna and it's many uses for measuring and understanding our environment and measuring and aiding the health of the human body.
Anne-Marie has taken great care to measure and record frequencies at many of Ireland's ancient sites. Her findings give us insights into the reasons for these structures, how they may be interconnected and the effect they have on the energy of our planet and the humans who visit them.
Her equally careful and thorough investigation of the uses of the Lecher Antenna to aid health and well being are also fascinating. The antenna is clearly a very useful tool for health.

Front cover 1st edition Book about Lecher antenna Front cover 1st edition Book about Lecher antenna Front cover 1st edition Book about Lecher antenna Front cover 1st edition Book about Lecher antenna Front cover 1st edition Book about Lecher antenna

Disclaimer: The author of the products offered on this website does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for well-being. In the event you use any of the information in the products offered on this website for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

Anne-Marie Delmotte Lecher antenna Instructor, Researcher and AuthorAnne-Marie Delmotte Lecher antenna Instructor, Researcher and AuthorAnne-Marie Delmotte Lecher antenna Instructor, Researcher and AuthorAnne-Marie Delmotte Lecher antenna Instructor, Researcher and AuthorAnne-Marie Delmotte Lecher antenna Instructor, Researcher and Author
Lecher antenna used by AM DelmotteLecher antenna used by AM DelmotteLecher antenna used by AM DelmotteLecher antenna used by AM DelmotteLecher antenna used by AM Delmotte